An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

10:14:00 PM

Apple always enjoys the sympathy of people and is one of the most popular fruits eaten during the entire year. The familiar adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is known to all of us and even exists in several other languages ​​than Greek. It can not be coincidence that so many people stress this way the benefits of apples on our health!

Let's see what it can offer the apple to our health:

1. Vitamin C.

The high content of the apple in vitamin C, is perhaps the best known properties. Studies have shown that apple 100grammaria can give us up to 1500mg of vitamin C!

2. Antioxidants.

Apples are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, substances which are the most powerful antioxidants.

3. Strengthening bones.

Researchers discovered that the apple contains a flavonoid that exists only in this fruit. This flavonoid has proven to help prevent osteoporosis.

4. Cholesterol.

The apple helps reduce cholesterol. Scientific research has shown that people who eat 2 apples every day can reduce cholesterol by up to 16%!

5. Anticancer properties.

Researchers studied the anticancer substances found in the peel and flesh of the apple and the results were spectacular! With 50 grams of chemicals from the peel of the apple, the growth of cancer cells decreased by 43%, while 50 grams of chemicals from the flesh of the apple, the growth of cancer cells decreased by 29%!

6. Asthma.

A recent study of children with asthma showed that children who drank apple juice imerisios, suffers far fewer asthma attacks than those who did not drink apple juice so often. Still, women who eat plenty of apples during pregnancy are less likely to give birth to children with asthma, compared with those who eat apples regularly.

7. Diabetes.

The apple contains a substance which reduces the body's need for insulin us. This can help control diabetes sancharodous.

So next time when you want to eat a snack, consider the apple! The benefits it can bring to your health are numerous and significant. Try to systematically include apples in your diet, but neglect and other fruits and vegetables are essential for a balanced diet.

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