10 Tips for First Kiss

1:56:00 PM

So, you finally gathered the nerve to ask her out, and she accepted the invitation-- nice! Now, don't blow it by messing up your first kiss. The first kiss is something that women place a lot of importance on and may even base how far they let the relationship progress.

There's no need to panic. Below are 10 tips to kissing her for the first time that will ensure you make it one that she'll remember, and make her look forward to things to come.
  • Be Alone

     There is something about the first kiss that just dictates that the two of you must be alone. It's a moment that you will both want to remember, and a crowd of people surrounding you will not enhance this particular memory.
  • Have Good Breath

     For God's sake, don't blow your chance to kiss her because you ate ludicrous amounts of garlic at dinnet and forgot to bring gum! A good way to avoid this is by thinking ahead and keeping spices and foods that tend to linger to a minimum at dinner.
  • Pick Your Moment
     You have to know when the moment is right. Like if the conversation stops, your eyes meet and neither of you seems to be able to look away, that is the perfect moment to kiss her. So you should take the opportunity to do so.

    If she is trying to get something out of her eye, or is talking about something that she feels really stongly about, don't kiss her and think that you are being spontaneous. She'll probably wonder what possessed you to do so at such an awkward moment. After all, bad timing is not something that you want to be remembered for.
  • Don't Ask
     Never ask a woman for her permission to kiss her. Despite what you might think, women, in general, like it when their man takes charge, especially during a passionate moment. Asking for her permission will make you seem timid and unsure; not sweet and sensitive. So, be a man and kiss her!

    Of  course, before you do so, you must be sure that she wants you to. Check her body language: is her body is facing, leaning toward, or touching yours, and she is smilling, biting her lip, or playing with her hair, chnaces are that she's interested in you. So, pick your moment and go for it, boy.
  • Take it Easy
     This moment should feel like it is moving in slow motion. There is nothing that will turn a woman off faster than a guy who moves too quickly, especially if this is the very first time you are even going to kiss her.

    So relax, take a deep breath and make the moment last. Enjoy it and appreciate every second of it!
  • Don't go from talking across a table to planting your lips on her face; touch her. Put your hands on her hips or around her waist and gently pull her toward you. Then, run your fingers through her hair, and cup her beautiful face in your hands.

    Slowly lean in toward her and kiss her sensuously on the cheek, making your way to her lips. While you kiss her, cares her body and feel her getting goose bumps.
  • Close your Eyes
     While eye contact is good up until this point, make sure to close your eyes while you are kissing her. There is nothing weirder to a woman than a guy who kisses with his eyes wide open.

    If she catches you with your eyes open, she may even think that you are not really enjoying the moment, and feel insecure as a result. Besides, a great kiss is much more enjoyable when you are completely immersed in it, and closing your eyes will help to block out any distractions.
  • Pretend she's Sleeping

     Kissing a woman during an intense lovemaking session is different than kissin her for the first time. Your approach during that first kiss should be as though she's sleeping and you don't want to frighten her.

    Your lips should touch her softly and slowly. And you should gently awaken her sensual side; not force it our of her like an alarm clock scaring her out of bed.
  • Watch your Tongue
     Never shove your tongue down her throat --she might choke. Seriously, if you do this, you will come across as an overeager adolescent who has never kissed a woman before. Keep your tongue to yourself, at least for the first kiss.
  • Don't Slobber
     I've heard women tell stories of guys who left them feeling like a very friendly st. Bernard had just finished greeting them. I think it's fair to assume that this is not a camparison you would enjoy. So, my last piece of advice is to avoid it by not slobbering all over her. Keep your saliva to yourself.

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