5 Top Masks You Can Made Yourself For Face

3:15:00 PM

Searching for 'homemade' masks will surely find hundreds of recipes that contain any material you can think of, from fruits to the weirdest oils ... And while most of these materials are generally good for the skin, resulting questions like "What is the right mask for my age," or "what mask will help my very dry skin 'or' all when I can use it and for how long will I leave every time." In this article you will find masks depending on your age and your skin type! Most materials are simple, and can be found easily in your kitchen cabinets, a supermarket, a pharmacy or a store with organic products.

1. The quick mask!


1 tablespoon of sour cream (full fat)1 tablespoon of honey1 g. (about 1/5 tsp) baking soda


Mix baking soda initially with the cream until you have a texture that looks like shaving foam. Then add the honey and mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture. Apply the mask on your face and neck for 20 minutes. Very fast set-up, very quick results: in 20 minutes you will have a velvet effect! Use it as often as you want!

2. Mask velvet skin

½ ripe banana½ ripe avocado1 tablespoon of chopped cucumber1 tablespoon of yogurt1 tablespoon olive oil


Put all ingredients in blender and leave until you have a homogenous mixture. Apply a rich layer mask on the face and neck and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water and finally pour some cold water on your face.

3. Mask for protection from the sun

2 tablespoons of sesame oil2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel to form1 tablespoon wheat germ oil (oil from wheat)12 drops cinnamon oil12 drops lavender oil

Put all ingredients in a blender and leave until you get a homogeneous mixture. Apply the mask and leave it as you can. Rinse thoroughly.

Attention! The mask offers a little protection from the rays of the sun, but in no event to replace your sunscreen. Use sunscreen according to the instructions provided by your doctor or dermatologist.

4. Mask Revitalizing


¼ apple
½ tomato
½ peach
¼ cup milk (full fat)
1 tablespoon of almond oil


Clean fruit and puree them. Add the almond milk and the pulp of the fruit and place in a saucepan over very low heat. Stir constantly until the mixture thickens and acquires the texture of a cream. Allow the cream to cool. Apply on face and neck and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

5. Mask Stimulus


1 egg yolk

1 strawberry
1 tablespoon of starch (or cornflour cornflower)
Rose water (as needed)


Put ingredients in blender adding rosewater slowly (put long enough to get a mask that can be applied, but not very sparse). Otherwise you can boil the starch with rosewater until you have a paste, leave to cool and add the remaining ingredients. If you have achieved the right texture of the mask when the mask dries you can remove it from your face like a plastic mask that has taken the shape of your face. Otherwise, use lukewarm water.

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