10 Tips To Overcome Sadness

10:49:00 PM

We all have bad days, but don't let them ruin how you feel about yourself or others. Bad is what we assume that something bad is going to be the result, but believe in whatever bad happend to us will be healed by Time.

  • List everything in your life you are thankful for and be happy. Put some humor in your life! Learn to laugh at yourself or rent your favourite funny videos. Do not make any big decisions while you're in this state. Wait until you're feeling better so you can rationally weigh the ups and downs of your decisions. Do something that you enjoy or that will keep you busy, like cleaning your house, volunteer , or read your favourite book.
  • Try to make some plans with friends. Chances are that you'll have tons of fun. Don't expect too much of yourself. Face the things that you're dreading. Once you do, you're bound to feel a lot better. Buy yourself or someone else a gift. Relax. Take a long walk by yourself to thing things over, take a bubble bath, or listen to soothing music. Be sure to get enough sleep by going to bed and waking up at a reasonable time. Being tired makes you feel more stressed and irritated, especially around others.
  • Give someone a hug. Everybody likes to get a hug once in awhile. It'll make both of you feel good. Know that what you are going through is very common. Talk to someone you trust about what you are feeling- they can help you sort through your emotions.
  • Get som exercise. When you exercise, your body makes more special chemicals called endorphins that help to improve your mood; You may also eat chocolate because it also helps. Regular exercise will also help to maintain a regular even appetite and sleep schedule - both importan to your mental state as well. Practice deep relaxation exerceises. You can also do this while you walk. Pray or read something ispirational. Don't dwell on your weaknesses or mistakes. Think of things that you love about yourself or that you've done to help someone. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments.
  • Prepare for tests early. Eat healthier meals and snacks. A good diet helps you both physically and mentally.
  • Set realistic goals. Always take things one step at a time. Stop worrying about things that may never happen. Find yourself. Get incolved with things you liek to do. Keep a journal. Your journal can act as someone you can always vent to and will never judge you. Make time for fun.
  • Do something totally selfless and anonymous-volunteer at a shelter or local treatment facility. Give thought to how much you have if you have a roof over your head, food to eat and are healthy. Lose yourself by keeping busy with indulging your time in helping others. This will keep your minf away from your own problems.
  • Do not try get rid of your bad throughts especially in loss of a loved one- by fighting them when they came to your mind. Just let them move through your head, think of them, but don't let them take control over you. Manage them, for example if you are at work, leave them for a better time to think of. Struggling in order to get rid of some thoughts will make them stronger.
  • Remember that your mind is battleground and you are the one who has to write story of this battle. If you solve any problem inside your head, no longer it's of importance that if the truth is the way you like it or not. Is there anything happening in the real world when you don't know of it.
  • Cry, not just about the bad stuff, but what you have to help deal with the bad stuff, friends, family, a possible lover; remembering that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and devoid of love, combined with tears of sadness, actually obliterate your negative emotions. Don't be afraid to do this.

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