Vitamins for Nails

1:24:00 PM

 As i noticed to my other post for nails, there was many readers. So i decided to write more informations about nails.  Are you addicted to manicures? Your hands are doomed? There is no reason why your nails should look bad at all, if you're properly caring of them.

Let's start:

  • Iron: Brittle nails can be a sign of an iron deficiency. Look for chelated iron supplements or consume more nuts, lean red meat and green, leafy vegetables. These all contain essential vitamins for nails.
  • Zinc: Increased white spots on your nails, along with poot growth and inflammation of the cuticles are also signs you need to add more zinc to your diet. If you don't want to take a zinc supplement, some foods that are high in zinc include dark chocolate, peanuts and turkey.
  • B-12: Excessively dry and darkened nails could mean you're not getting enough of the good vitamins for nails; in this case, Vitamin B12. This comes in both a capsule form or it can be found in cheese, eggs and crab.

     By getting a sufficient intake of the best vitamins for nails, your nails and skin will greatly improve. Also make sure to drink plenty of water and moisturize your hands regulary for maximum nail growth. 

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