4 Dieting Tips For Healthy Teeth

2:36:00 PM

4 Dieting Tips For Healthy Teeth

Looking for ways to get healthier teeth?  Did you realize that the types of food you eat will have a direct impact on your overall dental health?  It might seem obvious to some people, but for others, they have no idea what kind of damage you can cause to your teeth simply from the types of food you eat.
The obvious dangers are found in foods with high amounts of sugar.  But there are less obvious food choices that you can make that can have a big impact – for the positive or the negative – on your overall dental health.1.Vegetables, whole grains, & fruits

The first food group to focus on for improving the health of your teeth is the vegetables, whole grains, and fruits category.  These foods are low in fat and saturated fat.  And it’s the “fat and saturated fat” part that can have a negative impact on your teeth.  Sodium can also have a negative impact on your teeth, and fruits and vegetables are typically low in sodium.  Developing the habit of eating lots of fruits and vegetables will go a long way to improving the overall health of your teeth.  This habit is especially critical to develop into the lives of children.
2.Dairy Products
Most people don’t realize this, but eating dairy products can have a big impact on the health of your teeth.  Choosing foods like Mozzarella and other cheeses, peanuts, yogurt, and milk are quite simply very good for your teeth. According to WebMD, these types of foods will help to clear the mouth of harmful sugars and protect against plaque.

Avoid Sugar
And here it is – the “S” word.  That’s right folks, sugar is one of the major obstacles that sit in the way of healthy teeth.  Especially here in the United States, we are faced with choices all day long to consume food that’s full of sugar.  Deserts, sodas, candy, etc… are all stuffed full of sugar, and when you these types of foods, the sugar will stick to your teeth.  And unfortunately, the longer the sugar stays stuck to your teeth, the more damage that’s being caused.  Again with children, building the habit of avoiding sugar and teaching kids about the dangers of sugar, is a great way to encourage a life long habit of healthy eating and healthy teeth.
4. Bedtime Snacks
One of the worst things you can do to your teeth is eat a snack before bedtime and not brush your teeth before laying down.  As you can imagine, anything you eat before bedtime and going to settle on your teeth while you sleep.  This means the food will be eating away at your teeth while you sleep and causing damage to your enamel.  If you are going to eat snacks before bed, at least develop the habit of brushing your teeth before you lay down.  Beyond just healthier teeth, avoiding snacks before bed can also have a positive impact on your overall health and weight, while simultaneously giving your healthier teeth.

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